Browsing All posts tagged under »capitalism«

wait… what? Women… LIKE SEX!?!?!?

August 11, 2011


Anti-feminist market theories of sexuality fail to explain the data.. The common theme of anti-feminism of the ’60s through roughly the ’90s was basically, “Feminism is emasculating.  Now go make me a sandwich.”  Alas, anti-feminists are beginning to realize that overt misogyny isn’t really the selling point it used to be, and so now anti-feminism […]


March 18, 2011


Why don’t americans fight back?: Other observers of subjugated societies have recognized this phenomenon. Paulo Freire, the Brazilian educator and author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, understood this reality, and so did Bob Marley, who is sort of the poet laureate of oppressed people of the world. Many Americans are embarrassed to accept that we, too, […]

not what democracy should look like

March 10, 2011


All sizes | Print it out, pass it on. | Flickr – Photo Sharing!. though honestly I believe this is not how distributions would (or should) look in a functioning democracy, I think merely being outraged by wage/earning gaps is only a part of the problem.