Browsing All posts tagged under »United States«

North Korea

April 4, 2013


So, I was reading this article today about North Korea, and a particular piece really stuck out to me: A spokesman for the North Korean People’s Army released a statement earlier today saying the military has been “authorized to attack the American imperialists using smaller, lighter, and diversified” nuclear weapons. “We are ready any day, […]

“progressive” party alignments, the “womens movement” and how it breaks my heart

November 6, 2012


 “‘All voting,’ says Thoreau, ‘is a sort of gaming, like checkers, or backgammon, a playing with right and wrong; its obligation never exceeds that of expediency.  Even voting for the right thing is doing nothing for it.  A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail […]

NATO, G8, #May1, and why we should give a fuck

February 23, 2012


“There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. […]

if the pot’s calling the kettle black.. does it mean the kettle isn’t really black?

September 22, 2011


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Speech 2011: Delegates Leave General Assembly Hall. Ok, so it’s no secret that Ahmadinejad is a little nuts, but you have to give him props for calling things as they are: Ahmadinejad’s speech pitted the poverty and unhappiness of most countries against the riches and power of the U.S. and unnamed European […]

imperialism at it’s finest

September 21, 2011


US Secret Drone Bases Popping Up Across Africa, Middle East — News from big question i’ve been mulling over lately: what role do the people have in secret military operations coming from a “democratic” entity?  What about any department of “defense” business? Especially when military operations make up a huge portion of what that government, […]

Say “white supremacist heteropatriarchal nationalism” 5x fast!

September 14, 2011


Short History (2) — Feministe. I’ve been waiting for this post!  My brain is in love. Check out the breakdown of these ideas… or even.. just think about them.  Read. Ponder. I’m stoked: So why does any of this matter? Well, if capitalism is a system of distribution that normalizes the idea that some have more […]

What do Michigan, Feminism, and White Supremacist Heteropatriarchy have in common?

September 12, 2011


Read this and find out. A short history (1) — Feministe: I’m going to get in specific details of the 1940s Detroit (the Arsenal of Democracy) era in my next post. Because 1940s Detroit is the reason that we should all care about what is going on in Detroit right now–and I would argue that it’s the […]

American Ladies Beware! men want to boycott you

September 3, 2011


This is the second comment I’ve received on my blog talking about how horrible american women are. I just wanted to share because I find it really really fucking hilarious: Courtesy of “John Rambo”: Here is a blog written by a man named Zero Tolerance Man, and he hates American women even more than I […]

government pushing back on financial industry?

September 1, 2011


U.S. Said to Be Ready to Sue Banks Over Mortgages – There’s a lot to this article, but i found this part particularly interesting: Besides the angry investors, 50 state attorneys general are in the final stages of negotiating a settlement to address abuses by the largest mortgage servicers, including Bank of America, JPMorgan […]

weather weapons and how far we’ll let this go

August 15, 2011


The Devil’s HAARP: weather weapons and recent “natural” disasters | Sabbah Report. Long article, but interesting. In 1997 the US Space Command declared war on the world by committing America to “full spectrum dominance” by 2020, “to close the ever-widening gap between diminishing resources and increasing military commitments”. This do1ctrine wasapproved and expanded by the Joint […]