Browsing All posts tagged under »Hawaii«

Hawaii law bars gender identity discrimination

May 3, 2011


Hawaii law bars gender identity discrimination – Hawaii News Now – KGMB and KHNL Home. yessss! Obviously this is just a piece of paper, and people will still be discriminated against, now it’s just no longer legal to blatantly do so.  1963, equal pay act. How many years later and we still aren’t even close? […]

state in financial crisis, government wont take salary decrease

March 29, 2011

0  wankers

Young island visitor hopes to raise millions for Japan

March 17, 2011


I’m hella sick and trying to stay away from the computer but i had to share this: Young island visitor hopes to raise millions for Japan | KHON2 Hawaii’s News Leader.

a normal friday night

March 11, 2011


Sort of.  I do go out more these days, but a normal weekend night for me includes perusing the interwebs and watching movies, maybe having a glass or two of wine.  I’m always so exhausted after work and after a week of work and a week in my head.  I’m always exhausted.  And after some […]

this is what Friday looks like

March 11, 2011


Some breathtaking and heartwrenching pictures of Japan.  I cannot even imagine the devetation and chaos they are going through. Hawaii was a hot mess last night and there was barely any damage done.  It was quite an experience. Love and Light to those affected by this epic destructive force. Here’s an animation of the wave […]